Mit dem Akronym HATEOAS, abgekürzt für “Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State”, hat der Computerwissenschaftler Roy Fielding im Jahr
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.NET Power Tip 16: Visual Studio Find in Files
You might be familiar with the standard search functionality in Visual Studio accessible via CTRL-F. Personally, I hardly use it.
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BASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET
Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer meiner Session an der BASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET Abstract: Gerade in Applikationen mit einer
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 10: Merging Assemblies
Say, you have a .NET Project with a lot of assemblies in the project output and you don’t like it.
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 9: Paste JSON/XML as Classes
This .NET Power Tip makes me bang my head against the wall over and over again! How many times have
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 4: Playing with Format Strings
Many developers heavily underestimate the power of the format string. This post shows a couple of examples that can
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 3: Reading Data from Excel/CSV
As with writing data to Excel, reading data can be achieved in multiple ways. If you need read and write
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.NET PowerTip 2: Writing Data to Excel
Every now and then, developers have to write data to excel. There are several approaches: 1. Full fledged Excel Interop:
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VS2015 Debugging and Performance Features: PerfTips
Visual Studio 2015 holds a couple of interesting features for the interested debugger and troubleshooter. This blog post will elaborate
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Profiling WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2015 with the WPF Timeline Tool
In VS2013 Microsoft introduced the Performance and Diagnostics Hub. (Check my blog post here: In visual Studio 2015, the
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Performance Profiling of .NET Applications in Visual Studio 2013/2015
There have been a lot of improvements in the troubleshooting and especially profiling capabilities of Visual Studio over the last
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ToolTip: Decoding Base64 Images with Chrome Data URL
Reading the great blog post about Base64 encoding and decoding in .NET/C# written by Jerry Nixon (, I immediately remembered
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A very typical scenario when using the XmlSerializer is that at runtime it throws a FileNotFoundException. However, the exception is
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