Tag / Profiling

Debugging and Profiling in VS2015 Article on simple-talk.com

If you are interested in the new debugging and profiling features that came with Visual Studio 2015, check out my article on www.simple-talk.com: https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/visual-studio/debugging-and-profiling-in-visual-studio-2015/ Simple talk is the “technical journal and community hub from Redgate”. I urge you to check it out if you are interested either in Sql Server, .NET, Azure or all of...CONTINUE READING

Profiling WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2015 with the WPF Timeline Tool

In VS2013 Microsoft introduced the Performance and Diagnostics Hub. (Check my blog post here: http://www.12qw.ch/2015/03/performance-profiling-of-net-applications-in-visual-studio-20132015/) In visual Studio 2015, the XAML UI Responsiveness Tool has been renamed to Timeline and now fully supports all XAML based applications and therefore WPF! You can read all the details in this post from the WPF team: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wpf/archive/2015/01/16/new-ui-performance-analysis-tool-for-wpf-applications.aspx The...CONTINUE READING

Performance Profiling of .NET Applications in Visual Studio 2013/2015

There have been a lot of improvements in the troubleshooting and especially profiling capabilities of Visual Studio over the last years. While in VS2010 the Visual Studio Profiler was restricted to owners of the premium and ultimate versions, the Visual Studio team made a clever move in shifting the profiler down into the professional versions...CONTINUE READING
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