Tag / Community

Announcing .NETConf.local Zürich & Pizza & Beer

In the name of the Azure Zurich User Group (www.azurezurichusergroup.com) and .NET Day Switzerland (www.dotnetday.ch), we are organising a .NETConf.local event on 20.10.2017 in Zürich! If you are interested in .NET Core, Xamarin, Roslyn, etc…, join us and register on our meetup page. The event is open to anyone, held in English and free of...CONTINUE READING

Talk–10.04.2017–.NET User Group Basel: Visual Studio 2017 Productivity Tools & Azure Cognitive Services

Today I spoke at the .NET User Group Basel about Azure Cognitive Services and the new (and old) Productivity Tools in Visual Studio 2017, such as Code Map, Intellitest and Live-Unit-Testing. Thanks for having me! Link to the event: https://www.meetup.com/Basel-NET-User-Group/events/237844700 Slides: DotNetUGBasel_ManuelMeyer_AzureCognitiveServices (PDF) DotNetUGBasel_ManuelMeyer_VS2017ProductivityTools (PDF)
Category:Business, Talks
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